‘Working for by and with ethnically diverse, minoritized women of east London for 30 years’ Established December 1991

What’s New

The Tower Hamlets Women’s Network (THWN) is open to all women who are resident in the borough or who work in the not-for-profit community sector

Join our network


account3 brand new animated social action project to open conversations on racism at work 

A brand-new animated short film, entitled ‘Dear Employer… ‘ has been created in a collaboration between account3, local women residents of Tower Hamlets and Bristol based Studio Giggle, released on 30th March 2023 issues a strong call out to employers to notice, understand and tackle racism and its impact on mental health in the workplace.  

The purpose of the animation is to open conversations on racism at work and encourage employers to be more conscious of how both implicit and explicit racism and racist practices impact staff and their mental well-being.  It also asks employers to observe, recognise and understand what is happening in the workplace and importantly to have clear, relevant and meaningful strategies to change workplace cultures. 

The project is part of the 12 weeks ‘Dare to Lead’ BAME Leadership course for local women. The participating women completed a series of online classes on feminist leadership values, networking, negotiations, building personal confidence, as well as other leadership topics, requiring the women to develop a Social Action Project: a collaborative approach to bring together and build on their learning. 

Our SIS animation created as the social action project as part of a women’s Leadership Programme – Dare to Lead
Account3 and Studio Giggle were nominated for both a Drum Design Award and a Clarion Award for SIS (Sistas in Strength) animation in 4 languages to highlight the issues of Domestic Abuse and promote the available help.
At the June 8th Awards Ceremony account3 and Studio Giggle was Highly Commended in the Social Welfare Category
Our very best wishes and congratulations to
• the women of Tower Hamlets who came up with the concept and made it happen,
• Studio Giggle for their unstinting support their creative and technical ability,
• the team at account3 that nurtured the process,
• Tower Hamlets Homes & Canary Wharf Trust who funded the Dare to Lead Women’s leadership programme for ethnically diverse minoritized women of Tower Hamlets

SiS (Sistas in Strength) A Tower Hamlets local women’s response to the soaring of Domestic Abuse during COVID19

A group of ethnically diverse, minoritized local women graduating from the inaugural Dare to Lead Leadership course at account3 have created an animation to raise awareness of domestic abuse in their community.

Thank you for your interest in our work.
Please see below how to access any of our services or get further information.
Stay safe.
If you would like to get in touch with us, please leave a voice message on phone number: 0207 739 7720 we are checking messages twice daily  and aim to return calls within a day.

or send us a message, via contact form.

Service Information

Welfare Advice

Until further notice we will be running the advice service and providing advice by phone or zoom, by appointment only. We are no longer doing home visits. If you need to give us documents to support your advice session this will be arranged with your allocated advice worker. This will continue until further notice. If you have an existing matter or an urgent issue, please contact us by sending us a message, via the contact form.

Harmony Nursery

Our nursery is currently open and providing vital care for local families. The setting is providing safe care with staff trained in infection control and a COVID 19 risk assessment is in place. For any information call our office on 020 3987 5932 Monday- Friday, 10am – 4pm or please contact us by sending us a message, via the contact form.

Training Courses

All training courses are currently on Zoom with distanced support for those who needed one to ones and where practical skills must be observed such as first aid course. Teaching and Assessment staff are working to ensure learners can achieve their goals and working with the exam board to understand changes to the requirements in the light of COVID 19. For more information see our training section.

Welcome to Tower Hamlets Project (W2TH)

The Welcome project is currently ensuring that women who are new to the UK get the support they need to make a safe and secure start in the UK. We ensure they are provided with access to services aimed at meeting their economic and social need, and are not left alone without support. We are collecting and sharing information, in different languages, on Safety and Access to Local Resources, while in confinement and or self isolation.

Information Advice & Guidance (IAG)

The IAG project is designed to assist you with career guidance. This might mean help to find a course, help to find a job, help to do a CV or a job application or assistance to find a volunteer placement. The IAG team will also help with planning and reviewing your plans, acting as a coach or mentor as you progress along your journey, SO wherever you are or wherever you started the IAG will help you on your journey.
For one to one support by appointment please send a message, via contact form or leave a message including your name and phone number on 020 7739 7720.